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... with FileButler
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We recommend that Windows XP users that are not sure if they have .NET 3.5 installed consider ordering a CD. This could provide a faster installation.

ACS will provide free updates to all registered users for two (2) years following the original date of purchase.

We encourage you to share you CD or downloaded media with friends. This will enable them to experience the FileButler 30-day trial on their personal comptuers.

FileButler One license  $50    $39.95
FileButler Two licenses  $99    $79.90

FileButler Lite     $30     $19.95

          Order a CD by mail - Add $5 S/H

For quantity purchases please call ACS toll-free at 800-237-5465, 8AM to 5PM Eastern Mon-Fri and ask for a FileButler sales representative.
Purchase FileButler

FileButler is available as a CD by mail or immediately as a download from the website.
"FileButler is an arffordable, simple product that improves my daily workload."   

-Daniels Construction

When you are ready to proceed with your purchase, click the Click Here to Purchase FB button below. 
To hear what FileButler's creator has to say about his product before you buy, click the Continue button.
Our company philosophy is simple…“Design a high-quality product, keep it reasonably priced, and back it with better service than the customer expects.”
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